Exploring Microbial Communities in Water, Soil, and Plants
The effects of hydration and desiccation on arid soil microbial communities

Arid areas extend over a large portion of the Earth’s surface. They are mostly covered with scarce vegetation, while the better part of the soil is barren, and dominated by microorganisms. These areas experience water shortages intercepted by brief and highly variable episodes of rain that temporarily relieve water shortages and change the desert ecosystem by initiating desert blooms. Yet, what happens to the microbial community during this time is debated. Some researchers claimed that the soil communities mimic the bloom onset upon hydration, while others predicted the demise of the community due to the sudden osmotic shock. Moreover, in hot arid environments the abundance of water quickly gives way to desiccation, forcing the soil microorganisms to rapidly adapt to renewed limiting conditions. We propose that in the fleeting time of plenty, soil microbes are engaged in fierce competition for resources, either by synthesizing antibiotic compounds, adopting various growth patterns, or through predation. Detailed monitoring of the natural microbial community in desert soil following rainfall events revealed a remarkable decrease in species richness and diversity that were gradually restored during soil desiccation.
Limited water resources are a worldwide hurdle to food security, which will be aggravated by rising populations, intensified droughts and desertification. The recycling of wastewater for agricultural use is a major mean for sustainable reuse practices, yet a major concern in such practice is the introduction of disease-causing agents and antibiotic resistance. All previous attempts to mitigate crops contamination concentrated on treatment of the water used for irrigation, yet the growing appreciation to the soil health and specifically the soil microbial food web brings into focus its possible role in mitigating pathogens and emerging pollutants transferred by the recycled water to the soil and crop.
The microbiome and resistome of treated wastewater, soil and crop continuum

We attempt to systematically elucidate the response of the microbial food web to treated wastewater irrigation. We follow microbial predation and their potential benefit to agricultural practices through the combination of field and controlled experiments utilizing the advent of sequencing technologies along with high throughput single cell analysis. This work will enable us to go beyond inventorying microbial communities in treated wastewater irrigated soil and advance to the description of the structure and functions of healthy soil food web and its potential benefit to agricultural practices.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) production in duckweeds
In recent decades, various health organizations around the world have been advocating for transformation to healthier diets and sustainable food production. This generally translates to a reduction in the consumption of animal-based food products, and an increase of plant-based foods. Plant-based diets confer both improved health and environmental benefits with a single exception: vitamin B12 (AKA cobalamin) is very low in plants. Vitamin B12 is a key molecule for cellular function, and its shortage can lead to serious neurologic abnormalities. The B12 biochemical pathway has been studied for over a century and is known to be solely metabolized by bacteria and archaea. Recently, it was suggested that one of the world’s smallest and fastest-growing plants, the duckweeds, could be a reliable source of B12 for humans. The B12 in duckweeds is assumed to be produced by its microbiome, yet, little is known about the diversity, function, or the microbe-plant interactions in duckweed.

Structure and function in desalination membrane biofilms
The increased demand for freshwater could mainly be met through water reuse by water treatment and seawater desalination using membrane systems. However, the efficiency of the membranes is severely hampered by fouling and in particular by microbial biofouling followed by a decrease in permeate water flux, and in most cases, salt rejection. We aim to unravel the microbial community composition of biofilms developed on desalination membranes and follow the traits that sustain the biolfilms in this nutrient-poor environment. We are studying the physiology of the biofilm under typical operating conditions using a model bacterium and natural populations. This outcome of these studies could provide the knowledge needed to develop strategies for biofouling control and prevention in various environmental engineered systems, such as filters (biological and physical), bioreactors, heat exchangers, and irrigation equipment.